
International Women’s Day is this Tuesday, March 8th, 2016. According to www.internationalwomensday.com Tuesday is “a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women”. I’de never heard of the day until one of my favorite bloggers (www.thealisonshow.com go follow, you will love her energy) was posting about the party she is throwing to celebrate. I work with over 40 women every day and life is good so it’s hard for me to wrap my head around the struggle in other workplaces, countries and continents where women are constantly fighting to be equals. I hope my daughters grow up in a world where they feel like boss babes, like they can do anything anyone else can do when they put forth all their effort. In honor of International Women’s Day, this week I wanted to share the things that I do to try to lead by example to my friends and especially my daughters how women really can rule the world.

  1. Befriend other women who achieve. My boss and mentor is a woman. There are tons of small businesses in Fort Smith owned by women, support them. Show them you support them. Collaborate with other powerful women. Together we can lift each other and achieve even more greatness.
  2. Don’t be mean jealous. Do you know how jealous I am of the Moms at daycare who send Valentines that look exactly like a DIY off pinterest that took at least 10 hours to make when all I threw in the bag was a tootsie roll with a dollar store Elsa card? But I love those moms for it. I’m thankful that my kid gets those awesome treats (especially since she will never get them from me). I let them know I think it’s awesome. If you are feeling jealous of another woman’s degree, mom skills, wife skills, home or clothes that is a feeling that you are getting because another woman is doing something right and maybe even better than you do it. But that’s okay, someone is jealous of you too. So when I feel that jealousy, I give a shout out. Props to the Moms with the creative craft skills.
  3. Competitors are a good thing. I know I’m not the only nurse practitioner in Fort Smith. I know you could chose to trust me with your skin or someone else. I don’t speak negatively of other nurse practitioners in the community. Do your thing girl, I’m gonna be doing mine. There is enough room in this world for all us ladies to be successful and rise up!
  4. Offer your help. Is there a student you could mentor? Are there other women you could collaborate with? Is there a class you could teach? Do you write a blog to help share your knowledge (toot-tooting my horn)? Help other women achieve with you! You don’t want to be sitting on top of the world by yourself do you? Women should help each other just like men help each other and men help women and women help men. Help a sister out!
  5. Be kind and have courage. So Cinderella said. If you haven’t seen the new Cinderella you may not know this line but I love this advice Cinderella was given. If you are kind to people and you have courage often that is all you need to be a successful woman.

On a side note, most of my cosmetic dermatology practice consists of women and I want to take a minute to thank them for trusting me with their skin. They are all hard working women who invest in the care of their skin and I have a little place in my heart for all of them. Taking care of our skin, oddly enough, is something women already excel in, usually (not always) better than men so shout out to all my women out there who take such good care of the largest organ in their body, the skin!

Hoe to see you this week, Happy International Women’s Day to all!

xoxo, Nina



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