Warning: This post isn’t about skin. I know I mostly write about skin but this week something else is on my mind and it’s my blog and I can write what I want to (insert evil laugh here). A few days ago was Christmas and it was the best Christmas I’ve ever experienced. Mainly because of my almost two year old, Charlee. This was the first Christmas she knew how to open presents and recognized Santa, snowmen, lights and Baby Jesus. When we woke up Christmas morning I asked her if she wanted to see what Santa brought and go open presents, she said “no”. I giggled because I knew she had no idea what was about to happen. She certainly didn’t remember last year at 10 months old. When we walked towards the Christmas tree she spotted the new toy kitchen Santa brought and she lit up with excitement, smiled and said “WOW!”. All you parents out there know this is a moment that turns you to mush and you wonder how your heart could be any happier. She rushed around the kitchen trying to see everything as fast as she could, I don’t remember ever feeling so content. The day just got better as it went on. All the family members we visited got to see some of Charlee’s joy as she opened their presents. It was so satisfying to see her spread her cheer and make my loved ones just a little bit happier and cheerful.
I laid in bed Christmas night snuggling with her (yes I let her sleep with me sometimes, don’t judge) and thinking about how much happiness she brings me and others around her. I wished I could make people around me feel half as good as Charlee makes me feel. So since Christmas I have been thinking about what I can do to be more like my two year old, to spread happiness and cheer to those around me. Here’s my list so far.
1. Give more. I got more gifts for Christmas than I could ever ask for but nothing I received made me as happy as seeing her excitement while opening her presents. Think about it, you always have more cheer when giving than receiving.
2. Be Happy. Charlee was so happy when she pulled a pair of socks Santa stuffed in her stocking last minute. It didn’t matter what gift she received she is just happy. Being around that happiness makes me happy. I’m going to make a conscious effort to be happy more often. Hopefully, my happiness will rub off on those around me.
3. Show excitement for the small things in life. It didn’t take hardly anything to get Charlee excited on Christmas day. I asked her ,”Do you want to help Momma open a present?” and she jumped up and down and yelled “PRESENT!!”. I’m going to be more excited for the small things like getting to spend dinner time with my husband, step-kids and daughter. How blessed we are to sit, enjoy each other and eat a warm home cooked meal together? I’m going to start showing excitement for these small things so that my family can share some of that excitement with me.
4. Love unconditionally. Charlee may have gotten just a little too excited on Christmas day and didn’t want to eat nor nap which led to a little spanking. Yes, my almost two year old misbahaves contradictory to her angelic appearance. But even after a little spanking she hugs me, kisses me and then is just as cheerful as she was before. She doesn’t let it get her down, she loves me unconditionally. It gives me peace to know she loves me no matter what. I want those around me to have that calm heart and peace too! So from now on, I will try harder to be less judgmental and love unconditionally.
5. Be more carefree. Charlee didn’t worry about whether or not the turkey was going to be hot when guests were ready to eat. She didn’t worry all day about being on time or if Aunt Susie Q was going to like her gift. She just went through the day carefree, soaking it all in and enjoying the great time she was having. More often, to be cheerful and spread joy, I need to, in the words of Elsa, “Let it go!”.
I hope in 2015 I can spread some cheer and joy to all of you. Whether through my blog or through the clinic or if you ever need anything, through a knock at my door. I will be honored to spread cheer and joy in your life. May we all spread half of the happiness that Charlee spreads at only 1 year old.
Happy New Year! Cheers, Nina