I ended this past week with a girls night sleep over. I’m from Fayetteville and I have a group of girls with whom I have been friends since before I knew my ABC’s. They are my people, my low maintenance friends. You know someone is a best friend when they become low maintenance status. I mean I have other friends that obviously are special to me but they require some work. Like new friends who you aren’t sure if you can feed your kids marshmallows for dinner and not be judged by them. Or your classy friends whom you can’t have more than one glass of wine around. Or your sensitive friends whom you can’t accidently tell the hard core truth to or they will be mad at you for a week. What about the picky friend who you have to always eat where they want to eat or do the activities they are comfortable doing or they get cranky. I really LOVE all my friends low maintenance or not. I’m just saying, some friends take work and that’s okay. I’m most relaxed when it’s just easy. I never have to worry about what I say or if my actions will be judged, if something will make them mad or if they like me-everything is set because we have been friends for so long we understand each other and it’s just easy. That’s how I like my skin care too. The other day I looked over at my counter top and realized I had more skin care products than necessity products (toothpaste, deodorant, etc.) and it dawned on me that I was no longer a low maintenance skin care regimen. I have made lots of new friends (added skin care products). Partly because I’m getting older, partly because I test products and partly because I’m struggling with hormonal acne as we speak. So for those of you who like the low maintenance skin care regimen that will take you day to day with healthy skin, here it is-bonus:only two products involved.
Morning regimen for the low maintenance girl boss:
- Gently cleanse-with just water, with plain white soap whatever you choose just don’t irritate. No scrubs, beads, exfoliators, toners and loofas.
- Sunscreen- The best for the low maintenance gal is tinted Total Defense and Repair by SkinMedica because it really is 3 products in one. You get sunscreen, repairing antioxidants and the best color matching tint with which you won’t even need powder make-up. It dries like a powder and doesn’t leave that greasy film you sometimes feel with sunscreen.
While doing your thing all day remember to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays with sun protective clothing and reapplying your sunscreen.
Night time regimen for the low maintenance boss babe:
- Gentle cleanse again. Pretend you have the most sensitive skin.
- Retinol-I use the SkinMedica Retinol (do you ask your dermatologist what they use? you should). It’s plain and doesn’t irritate your skin as bad as other retinols that have irritating additives, fragrances and colors. Plus, it’s scientifically proven to be as effective as prescription tretinoin. Retinol is a perfect product for the low maintenance regimen because it helps with so many skin problems including brown spots, acne, uneven skin texture and tone, blackheads, fine lines, wrinkles, melasma and dull skin. It’s the most tried and true anti-aging product.
There is something refreshing and invigorating knowing that you can take care of the largest organ in your body so easily. I definitely have increased my skincare regimen and the time it takes me to care for my skin but on those nights when I fall asleep on the couch or I am just not in the mood, I go back to this regimen. This is my low maintenance go-to and it works! There is so much trickery in skin care product marketing so whether you’re the low maintenance kind of girl or you like to up your game and have the best of the best, we have a regimen for you at Johnson Dermatology. Let one of our skin care experts tailor a regimen that fits your skin needs and your budget perfectly. Just call and schedule a free consult at your convenience we would love to help you become skintastic.
Happy Easter everyone! Hope to see you at the clinic this week!
“Make it simple, but significant” -Don Draper
XXOO, Nina
P.S. To all my friends reading this, it’s not about you! Promise, nothing but love to all.