If you’re a parent you understand this idea of doing things that aren’t pleasant because of that one moment that makes it worth all the hard work. I remember when my first child was two weeks old and colic had set in. She had been crying for about 12 hours. My tailbone was broken from giving birth. My husband (a cop) was out working a homicide and I was home alone. Our precious little yorkie was shaking in fear and quickly his anxiety diarrhea was worsening. I was crying, baby was crying, it was thunder storming outside, I felt like I was in a scene of a comedy horror film. Our yorkie went from anxious to gastrointestinal bleeding, inside, on carpets only. I called my parents 45 minutes away at 2 AM for reinforcement. When my parents got there my 2 week old almost immediately fell asleep (making me infuriated) and I rushed off to the vetinary hospital where they ran $300 worth of test to tell me my dog was having an anxiety attack and just needed a shot to help him relax, REALLY?!? I cried all the way home exhausted trying to figure out how I would clean what looked like a murder scene off my carpet whilst driving while sitting on a boppy that I dreamed would help me breast feed but instead I used more frequently as a donut for my cracked tailbone. I got home and while I breastfed my baby girl I tried to think of how I could put her back in me for a month or so while I figured things out. Then she finished eating, smiled and snuggled her head against my chest. I could feel her angel breath on me and she smelled like everything good. I hadn’t slept in 24 hours but that moment of connection with my innocent baby was pure, was inexplainable and shockingly I thought to myself how the past 24 hours I would do a million times over for this feeling again even if just for a moment. I finally understood what it meant when people said “it’s worth it”.
Most things that are truly life changing take time, commitment, determination and hard work. When I got my APRN license in the mail all those years of sacrificing during school were worth the degree. All the struggles I’ve endured with my husband, worth it for 10 years of happily ever after under our belts.
The point I’m trying to make is that if you have a goal, take whatever path necessary to get to that goal because when you reach your goal you won’t be sorry. Same goes for your skin. Your skin cycle is 28 days so changing your skin simply isn’t going to happen over night. There are some things that I beg my patients to not give up on, it will all be worth it and here they are……
- Retinol. At first you might be a little dry, red or irritated when you start using retinol but once you get over the hump your skin will be better than ever. It’s worth it to have a little acne flare or peeling or dryness, promise.
- Sun protective clothing- It might be expensive. It might be “uncool”. But I promise you I hear at least 10 times per day from someone older and wiser than us that they wished they wouldn’t have collected so much UV damage over the years. On the contrary, never once has anyone told me “I wish I would have sun damaged my skin more in my younger days”. Not once. Less brown spots, less wrinkles, less chance of skin cancer, it’s just soooo worth it in the long run.
- Sunscreen- Pale is the new tan. It’s one of the cheapest anti-aging tools in my belt. It’s so worth it, see #3.
- Full body skin cancer checks- Melanoma caught early seriously could save your life. You might not like showing your birthday suit to a dermatologist, you might not want to take that time out of your busy schedule but if we happen to catch a skin cancer that you didn’t even realize you had it will be worth it.
- Enjoying the skin you’re in. You will never regret loving yourself. Being confident in your own skin may be hard for some of us but I have been blessed to see people transform after they have found confidence in their skin. It’s the best part about being in dermatology. Finding that for yourself will be worth it, everytime, for everyone.
I hope taking time out of your Sunday to read my blog is worth it, thanks! Stay Skintastic, Nina