
You know how you have that one physical feature people seem to notice, such as nice teeth, perfect skin, pretty eyes, perfect pouty lips or maybe nice legs? Well I feel like my thing is my hair. People often compliment my hair.  On Saturday I had my cut and color appointment which is always such a fun thing for a lady. Even if just for a few hours it’s all about you, feeling pretty, gossiping with your hair dresser, flipping through a magazine and no kids tugging at your leg. There are so many things out there to color, perm and relax our hair with it gets confusing. Some of the things you are doing in hopes of healthier hair could actually be damaging. By the same token there are some tips you can do to have healthier hair. So here are my top ten dermatologist recommended tips and some of my personal tips for your hair care.

1. Shampoo your scalp not your hair. Your scalp is what creates oil that your are trying to “clean” so if you are trying to rub and scrub all the way at the ends of your hair you could be causing unnecessary damage creating frizzy hair.

2. Always use a conditioner. Sounds like common sense but you would be surprised how many people don’t think they need it. Right now I am using an Agave healing oil once a week and half apple cider vinegar half water once a week. Yes, I only wash twice a week, Saturday and Wednesday.

3. Don’t pull your hair tightly. Be gentle. Tight ponytails and braids can cause damage, even hair loss and scarring.

4. Don’t rub your hair dry with a towel after the shower. Just like I recommend being gentle to your skin by not scrubbing and exfoliating you should be gentle with your hair. When I get out of the shower I just wrap a towel around my hair to get excess water off and then let it air dry as much as possible.

5. Lay off the blow dryer, curling iron and flat iron. High heat can be damaging to your hair. This is one of the main reasons that I only wash twice a week. This spreads out how often I am damaging my hair to twice per week instead of daily. Try to use the lowest heat setting, limit the time the tool is in contact with your hair and let your hair air dry as often as possible.

6. The 100 strokes per day for your hair idea is a myth. Actually the less you brush is probably the better. Don’t tug your hair when you brush it out. Try to use a gentle, wide tooth comb and use a moisturizing conditioner as needed for tangles to be able to gently untangle.

7. How often you should wash your hair varies from person to person. Someone who has really dry hair can go more days without washing whereas someone who has a very oily scalp may need to wash more often. If you are having specific scalp flaking and problems you should see your dermatologist. You may have a medical condition that could be treated with prescription treatments.

8. Pick your products wisely. I always wanted a keratin treatment because some of my girlfriends have had it and their hair seemed so shiny and smooth. I just never got one because of how long they took and cost. Did you know they have formaldehyde in them? I didn’t. I like trying out new products and I am drawn more towards natural products (probably because I have hippies for parents). On Saturday I had an alternative to keratin treatment that is formaldehyde free and “natural” called Agave Oil treatment, so far so great! High fragrance products can leave a residue on your skin that can trigger acne. Just be aware and know that sometimes simpler is better.

9. No pooing. I occasionally no poo. It means you don’t use store bought shampoo and conditioner. I wash with a little baking soda and water and then condition with half water, half apple cider vinegar. My hair feels great when I do this but it’s a little extra work making your own products and I’m pregnant with a one year old so I slack sometimes and buy products. The idea is that you don’t damage your hair and you don’t wash away all the good oils and bacteria that naturally live on your scalp. Try it out and let me know what you think.

10. Swimmers- Wear a swim cap to prevent damage from chlorine. Use a “leave in” conditioner before swimming to protect your hair. Wear a conditioner with zinc oxide before going out into the sun to protect your hair (that isn’t protected from your wide brim hat) from sun damage.

I hope you all enjoy my hair care tips! My hair dresser is amazing, she’s like family. Her name is Cindy Pabone and she has a booth at Vogue Aesthetics. I have teamed up with her for an awesome giveaway! To enter share the link to this post to your Facebook or Twitter with #theskinnyonhair and you will be entered in a chance to win a Johnson Dermatology goodie bag including some skin goodies and a $35 gift card for a hair service with Cindy. So go, share away! Don’t forget #theskinnyonhair because that is how I will find/pick a winner!

Thanks for reading, stay hairtastic, Nina





One thought on “#theskinnyonhair

  1. I am old fashion ..I believe A woman’s hair is her virtue!! I love getting my hair fixed!! I also believe natural products are best!! Thanks,Nina

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