I’m Thankful

I love working at Johnson Dermatology. I love taking care of people’s skin. I love our patient population. I love learning something new everyday. I love my co-workers. I love being able to say “This is my dream job”. But it’s not just the job that I do every day that I love. I love the practice, the mission, the “Johnson way”. The Johnsons are so committed to our community, our patients and their employees. They are the kind of people that make you want to be a better person, not just a better employee. We (well really Dr. Sandy) have declared this month a month of Thanks at Johnson Dermatology. We are encouraging each other to be thankful and more appreciative of what we take for granted on a day to day basis. So just like Johnson Dermatology is about more than just skin, this blog is about more than just skin too. Today I want to declare what I’m not usually thankful for at all. I want to encourage all my readers to be thankful for not only your beautiful kids, awesome job, or hot boyfriend but also for all of your problems too because it could always be worse. Here are my problems that I am trying to change from feelings of frustration and anger to feelings of thankfulness and appreciation. I would love to hear some of yours too.

1. When I go through Mickey D’s and my order is wrong I’m not going to be mad and complain of incompetence. This month I am going to be thankful that I am able to afford a meal not just for myself but for my entire family. According to www.feedingamerica.org in 2013 14% of American households were food insecure. Arkansas was one of only 8 states that sat significantly higher than average at 21.2% food insecure households.

2. When my husband does some man thing that makes me want to cuss I’m going to take a deep breath and be thankful that I have an awesome husband who treats me well and whom I still love. On average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in this country every DAY. (Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report, Intimate Partner Violence and Age of Victim 1993-9, October 2001.)

3. When my daughter makes a mess while I’m cleaning another one I’m not going to cry with pregnancy hormones about why I can’t keep my house clean. I’m going to be thankful I have a roof over my head to make messy. I found on www.ourhouseshelter.org that, on any given night, as many as 4,200 people in Arkansas have no place to call home.

4. When telemarketers call my house in the middle of a new episode of The Walking Dead I am going to not scream at the top of my lungs “pause it, pause it” followed by “take me off your list so help me God!”. I’m going to turn to my husband and thank him for the security system that keeps our family safe AND requires a land line (I might keep a little smirk with this one).

5. When I am in the pediatrician’s waiting room with a cranky 1 year old for over an hour I’m not going to get mad about the wait. I’m going to be thankful I’m not the person in front of me that has a very sick child that is requiring extra attention from my Doctor. I’m going to be thankful that my provider skipped a lunch break or bathroom break to try to catch up after that one very sick patient that took an extra 30 minutes and put him behind all day. (You guys are all welcome to use this one at Johnson Dermatology, although I hope you never have to wait for one of us).

6. When someone drives in the passing lane at 10 miles under the speed limit and I’m already running late I’m not going to give them dirty looks as I pass by with feelings of significant road rage. I’m going to be thankful that I have a car, that I was born in 1984 when we were past the wagon age and horse and carriage stuff. Thank you for a car!

I personally take the simple things in life for granted and should be a more appreciative person. This month I’m going to make a real effort to be more thankful and to let the people around me know I’m appreciative of all my blessings. Hope you get into the spirit with us a JD.


Until next week, Thank you to all my readers, I appreciate you more than you will ever know!!! Nina


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