Did you know June is acne awareness month? I almost let June get away from me without an acne post! I love to treat acne. Acne is evil whether you’re a teenager, a mom, a lawyer, whatever, no one likes to suffer with acne. It’s the best feeling ever to help someone feel their best. I want you all to come see me if you suffer with acne because we have so much we can do to help you. In the clinic we use lasers, prescription creams and pills (including Accutane), light treatments and more! But there is a lot that you can do for your acne without even coming to the dermatologist. Here are some things that you can do to help treat your acne without ever seeing a healthcare provider.
1. Stop picking- Your acne will look worse and stay longer. I know it’s hard but try it, I promise the results are worth it!
2. Benzoyl Peroxide- Leave on tends to work better than a wash but they both can be drying and irritating so beware. Avoid the formulas that add fragrance, color or beads that can cause inflammation and worsen your acne.
3. Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer- Avoid scrubbing, scrubs, cleansers with beads or fragrances and really anything fancy. The plainer the better. Plain white soap for the win! Elta MD AM moisturizer is one of my favs for acne prone skin.
4. BOB sunscreen- Try to avoid some of the comedogenic sunscreen formulas. Use something really light like the B.O.B (Brush on Block). It is a powder sunscreen that comes out of a fancy brush and goes on clear.
5. Retinol- Retinoids are a group of prescription creams that we use to treat acne. They have a little sister called Retinol. Be aware that all retinols are not created equal. This is a product to splurge on. SkinMedica Retinols are proven to be effective and less irritating, give them a whirl.
I hope you guys all come and see me even if you use these tricks. Have an amazing last few days of Acne Awareness Month! Hope to see you at Johnson Dermatology soon!
XxXx, Nina