For those of you who have been injected with neurotoxins or fillers you know there is a list of things that we tell you to do or not do. How important are these requests we make? I’m not really sure. I mean some of the things I feel strongly about and some of them I just don’t really know how much of a difference it makes. These things we ask you to do are kind of like telling your kids not to say a cuss word. I mean if they do say a cuss word when they bang their knee chances are nothing REALLY bad is going to happen. Bad things can happen such as you getting embarrassed, teachers thinking you aren’t a good parent, someone around hears and gets offended, your child gets a mouth full of soap, your child grows up to be a gangsta or worse. If your 3 year old does happen to fall down in the grocery store and say “****$%^” no one will die, no one will be traumatized for life and your 3 year old will survive (although she may not feel she will survive while in time out). As a matter of fact, some people may even get a laugh out of it! My point is you should do all the things we ask you to do but in some/most cases it won’t be the end of the world if you forget. Here are some of the aftercare that I recommend after injections.
1. After you have filler placed in your lips: Avoid salty food such as chips, cheeseburgers and fries. Try to eat lots of cold things like milkshakes and popsicles. This helps decrease your swelling. If you are prone to cold sores, ask for a prescription for Acyclovir or Valtrex to prevent getting a cold sore. The “stress” on your lips can trigger an outbreak.
2. After neurotoxins (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport)-No rubbing, bending over or laying on your face like during a massage, they say you could move your neurotoxin. Make your expressions for about an hour after injection, they say this gets the neurotoxin into the muscle.
3. After any injection of any sort- No heavy lifting, hardcore working out or any activity that makes you strain. A needle has been in your face, you’re at increased risk of bruising and straining can worsen your bruising.
4. To decrease bruising (if bruising does occur)- Return to the clinic so that we can laser you free of charge to make the bruising go away quicker. Use some Arnicare up to four times a day. This is a homeopathic topical gel you apply that works very well at getting rid of bruises quicker. Eat pineapple, another homeopathic remedy used to treat bruising. We also have special cosmetics to cover bruising so if you do bruise ask for an appointment with one of our cosmetic concierges to teach you the tricks.
5. Above all else-keep in contact! We want to know how you are doing. We will call you and check on you but if you have any questions or concerns feel free to e-mail/call me or one of my nurses. We want you to have a good experience and love your cosmetic treatments as much as we do!
Are you interested in learning more about injections? Would you like to see someone get injected so you will know what to expect? How about the excitement of seeing the immediate effects of youthfulness with filler injection? Want the chance to ask me anything while I inject? NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! I will be doing live injections tomorrow night at our open house at 6pm. The open house is from 5-7pm and will also include a live demonstration of our new sublative laser. But wait, there’s more! Who waits until black friday to have a sale? Not us! We are thanking all of our patients for their support the next three days by making all products and procedures 25% off! OUR BIGGEST SALE EVER! I hope to see you all tomorrow night, it’s going to be really fun! I’m excited incase you can’t tell!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving if I don’t see you before then. Thank each and every one of you for reading my blog and taking care of your beautiful skin. XOXO, Nina