Marketing 101

One of my favorite perfumes is Replica which I have to order from Nordstrom online. It always arrives with a TON of samples. Some of them are fragrances or make-up but a lot of them are skincare products. Even though I know I won’t start using them on a regular basis due to the ingredient list I usually try them to see what all the hype is about. Sometimes they tingle, sometimes they burn, sometimes they make my skin feel tight, sometimes I like the feelings, sometimes I don’t. None of these feelings have any bearing as to whether or not the product is “working” or delivering its promises on the package. These feelings however were placed for a reason. To make the consumer believe the product was “working” to make you “feel” something. This is a common marketing ploy to entice you to buy the product. Don’t get me wrong, I like the feeling of a luxury product. But if I have to choose between how a product feels and how it changes my skin I will chose the product that changes my skin every time. My husband will frequently say to me “well then why did they put that on the package?”. Simple, to sell it. To make you think you need it. So how do you know what to use? How do you pick what skincare is best for you? Here are my tips:

  1. Products Backed up by real science. Real evidence based research. One time a member of a pyramid scheme was hassling me on Facebook messenger so I asked her to send me the “research” she talked about. She sent me one article that wasn’t double blinded and had 26 subjects. It wasn’t what I would call good scientific research to make me believe in the product. Be careful.
  2. Trust an expert. The problem is knowing what defines expert in skincare. Is it the beauty counter, an aestitician, your primary care doctor, your dermatologist? Who do you turn to for skincare advice? I’m biased, I vote dermatologist. Derms definitely have the authority as far as specific education in skin goes.
  3. Expensive isn’t always better. Petroleum jelly is an excellent body moisturizer and it’s dirt cheap. La Mer has a moisturizer that is no better than Vaseline in my opinion and it’s over $2000 a jar!!!!!
  4. Organic isn’t always risk free. Although there are great organic products they too can irritate the skin. Poison Ivy is organic but if you rub it on your skin you get a rash. People often develop rashes after coconut oil or other natural skincare products.
  5. Keep it simple. Skincare products that have fewer ingredients tend to be more gentle on the skin. Less fragrance, less grit and less color are always more. Think plain.

Good Luck! And if you need help finding a good skincare regimen I highly recommend an appointment with Dani or Margaret for a free consult! Hope you all have a great week!

Sray Skintastic, Nina


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