Dollar Store Skin Picks

I live on Rye Hill in Fort Smith and ever since they put in the Dollar General I feel like I am going to another country if I have to leave the hill. I mean I have work, daycare and home in a five mile radius. I never have been a dollar store shopper but due to convenience of location I’ve become a “frequent flyer” Dollar General customer. My husband laughed at me the first time I came home from the new Dollar General because I couldn’t believe how “nice it was” and how “nice the stuff is” more than just “dollar pieces”. For some reason I thought every thing in a dollar store cost one dollar. Well that isn’t the case, not at the Dollar General on my hill (Rye Hill) anyways. So this blog is dedicated to dollar saving skin finds. There is a list of things that I think are worth spending money on and shouldn’t be replaced by a cheaper option such as Retinol, Growth Factor and Botox. But there is a completely different list of products that I think can be replaced by a cheaper, better option and this is that list……..

1. Face Soap- Ditch your fancy beaded, fragranced, colored face wash and keep it simple. Face wash is not the most important thing you can do for your skin as commonly misconceived BUT, you can irritate your skin with scrubs and fragranced residue causing breakouts and just angry skin. Money saved: $4. Skin saved : priceless


2.Antidandruff shampoo- Do you get heat rash or yeast acne over the summer? 86 your high fragranced Axe and Bath and Body works that could be leaving an irritating residue on your skin for some good ‘ol fashioned anti-dandruff shampoo. Money Saved: $2-$12. Heat rash and yeast acne gone: Priceless


3. Hydrocortisone and Clotrimazole- Got an itch? Please don’t get all those expensive Calamine lotions and anti-itch gels that really don’t help. Bug bites? Try some hydrocortisone. Heat rash or fungal stuff? Try some clotrimazole. Money saved:$2-$10. Not itching:Priceless


4. Diapers- Have you guys seen the warning on facebook of diapers “burning” kids? Well it’s contact dermatitis to the blue dye in some diapers. In simple terms they are allergic or irritated by color dye. Is your baby irritated by fancy diapers? Go get the plainest, simplest and quite frankly, cheapest diapers at Dollar General. Money Saving potential: About 4 bucks. A happy baby: Priceless (seriously priceless!)


5. Petroleum Jelly: You guys know its what I lather up in straight out of the shower. Such a great moisturizer. Need another reason to switch to vaseline? Trade neosporin for vaseline. Studies have shown that it prevents infection at the same rate and some people develop an allergy to neosporin which then causes a new problem on a booboo. This summer try putting vaseline on your cuts and scrapes to prevent infection. If you can keep it greasy enough to prevent a scab, you will minimize scarring.  Money Saved: $3. Skin saved:Priceless!!!!


I hope I helped your skin and your pocket books with this blog post. If you have more questions about skin care products come see me this Thursday afternoon at the clinic. I am doing free skin care consults by appoinment only. Would love to spend time with you chit chatting about skincare!

Until next time, dance like no one is watching, Nina


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